Avast Premier 2015

Avast Premier 2015
  • APP : Avast Premier 2015 18.4.3895
  • Licens : Shareware
  • OS : Windows
  • Utgivare : AVAST Software

Download Avast Premier 2015

Avast Premier 2015

Avast Premier 2015Avast Premier 2015 offers the most robust security for your home network, devices, and sensitive information. You get the first home-network scanner for your router, printer, and network drives, and automatic software updates for the most important software. You also get military-grade data shredding, SafeZone € a secure place to bank and pay bills online € a firewall, and protection against DNS hijacking.
* Home Network Security: For 2015, we€ve added something new and unique to all Avast PC security solutions € Home Network Security. With just one click, you can scan your network for potential security issues to help prevent attacks on your routers and network.
* Automatic Software Updater: Old software is one of the weakest links in most people€s security. With Software Updater, your most important software is automatically made current for each patch or update.
* Military-Grade Data Shredder: Deleting files is not enough to permanently remove data. You need to overwrite the file many times in order to make it irretrievable. Avast Premier gives you the option to permanently delete information quickly and easily.
* SafeZone: SafeZone provides an isolated, secure place for you to bank, shop, and pay bills online. It runs in a virtual device, so malware can€t log keystrokes or copy what you type. You can whitelist your favorite banking, shopping, and financial sites so SafeZone starts automatically when you go there.
* SecureDNS : One of the biggest risks people face on any Wi-Fi network is DNS hijacking, which redirects you from the site you want to visit to one that looks like it. You log in as usual and it captures your user name and password. We€ve solved this problem by encrypting the traffic between an Avast-protected PC and our DNS server.

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