Typograf font manager

Typograf font manager

Download Typograf font manager

Typograf font manager

Typograf font managerTop class font manager for OpenType, TrueType, PostScript Type 1 and printer fonts. Previews all fonts. Displays all font properties (typeface classification, kerning pairs, file data, copyright…). Views character set, keyboard layout, zoom view. Finds similar fonts and compares several fonts tabularly. Prints fonts in many ways. Manages fonts in database and font groups. Font file management functions. Information about typefaces and typography.
Typograf searches fonts and duplicates on your harddrive, CD-ROM’s or DVD’s. Sorting fonts by file, name, family, size, copyright, width,… You can edit the file information (name, copyright) with Typograf. You have favorites and history of viewed directories and Tag for viewing and printig fonts. You get free minor updates and a good support (FAQ search engine for Typograf) on the Web www.neuber.com.
ZDNet Rating: 5 stars, ”Typograf is one of the best font utilities we’ve seen, commercial or shareware.”

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