
  • APP : InstantNotes 1.4
  • Licens : Shareware
  • OS : Windows
  • Utgivare : NTown

Download InstantNotes


InstantNotesInstantNotes is a notetaking and information management software which uses local plain-text file as notes.
The application helps managing local text files in folders, automatically extracts all #hashtags, hover-displays linked infos from the text and auto-syncs via Dropbox.
InstantNotes features lightning fast full-text search with advanced search logics like AND/OR/Exact. Files can be searched for plaintext, #hashtags, folders, note-titles.
Notes can be displayed in pop-up windows which can be saved in popup-groups for better research on your topics. Extended functions are image support, wiki-links, anchor-links, web-links and even files can be linked into a textfile and can be accessed with just one click on the link.

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